Plan for Senior Care or Find Senior Care Now with Caregiverlist’s Care Concierge
Receive Costs, Services and Companies in Your Area
Just fill out the form below to be contacted by Caregiverlist’s Care Concierge team, all professionals working as R.N.’s, Social Workers and Administrators in Assisted Living communities and Senior Care Companies with each having 15 or more years of experience.
Your information is kept confidential and our Care Concierge would provide you with costs and service information for care in Saint Georges, Delaware.
Want to maintain a confidential care address?
Use "100 Main Street" as the street address with the accurate city and zip-code.
More Questions? E-mail Susan, Caregiverlist's Senior Care Concierge
We respect your time. Please let us know your preferred method of communication and we appreciate you returning the favor and allowing us to verify your information. As senior care professionals for more than 15 years, we very much understand you need quality information and we are happy to provide it in high-tech fashion.
Please provide your telephone number for validation and if you just want to be notified via e-mail, we will do so.
Who will be needing the senior care services?
What is the age of the oldest senior needing in-home care?
How receptive is the senior to receiving care?
Type of care:
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Senior Home Care Agencies provide hourly care or live-in care. Hourly care
usually requires a minimum of at least 3 to 4 hours of care services per
visit. Live-in care provides for a caregiver around-the-clock who prepares
meals and eats with the senior and sleeps in the home. If a senior is unable
to sleep at night and needs a caregiver who is awake around-the-clock,
hourly care would be required, with different caregivers working day and
night shifts.
Request information from agencies serving Saint Georges, Delaware who charge:
Note: Some agencies require a retainer fee equal to 2-weeks of care services to begin staffing a new case. Medicare and Medicaid do NOT pay for long-term senior care in the home.
Are you or your spouse a veteran of a U.S. foreign war, serving at least 90 consecutive days?
When do you anticipate starting care services?
To assist us to more efficiently connect you with the most appropriate care services, please indicate the following needs:
Please indicate the living situation of the care recipient:
Please confirm the type of payment for the in-home senior care services.
Either private payment or long-term care insurance or worker’s compensation insurance is required by Senior
Home Care Agencies:
Will you be considering an Assisted Living or Continuing Care Community as a living option at some point?
How did you hear about Caregiverlist?