Congratulations to This Week’s Refer-A-Friend Winner: Kryssa Baker
Kryssa wanted to become a certified caregiver because she was already within the Medical Field. In addition, she has watched family members go through a variety of different health issues, and has always found it rewarding to assist them, as well as prior patients and clients reach goals that they never thought they would be able to reach. Kryssa also became a caregiver so can build special relationships; relations...
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PROVIDENCE – Rhode Island has the 10th highest nursing home costs in the nation at an average of $94,170 annually, according to Caregiverlist’s August report.
Caregiverlist Inc., which connects seniors and professional caregivers with eldercare options, said Rhode Island bumped Maine for having the 10th costliest costs in the country. Rankings were based on the daily prices of shared rooms in nursing homes.
Caregiverlist said that with 87 nursing homes, the average cost for a share...
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The author of this prayer is “unknown” but it shares both wisdom and humor, especially for those who serve as Caregivers.
17th Century Nun's Prayer
Lord, thou knowest better than I know myself
that I am growing older and will someday be old.
Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking
I must say something on every subject and on every occasion.
Release me from the craving to straighten out everybody's affairs.
Make me thoughtful, but not moody: helpful, but not bossy.
With my ...
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Honolulu Star-Advertiser (HI) - 5/7/2015
May 07--Hawaii seniors on average pay more than double the daily cost of most other states for a shared nursing home room at $302, the fourth-highest in the nation.
The average annual cost of a nursing home in the islands is $139,098, according to new Medicare data compiled by Caregiverlist Inc., a Chicago-based company that connects seniors and professional caregivers with elder care services. Hawaii ...
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Caregivers continue to post an average pay rate of $10 per hour — a wage that is significantly impacting more than just the workers themselves, new research shows.
According to the latest Caregiverlist survey, about 26% of survey respondents — professional caregivers employed with senior care companies — reported receiving $10 an hour. The next most popular pay rate was $9 per hour (17%), followed by $8 an hour (13%), according to Caregiverlist, which assists families in ...
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With the aging of the baby boomers, the senior care industry is expanding, causing a 40 percent growth in U.S. senior care agencies since 2008, according to, which monitors the eldercare job market.
More than 4,000 caregivers and certified nurse aids are hired monthly from by subscribing senior care companies.
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Julie Northcutt had a vision in 2001. Some didn’t think it was a good idea, and others didn’t think it would be profitable, but Northcutt thought otherwise. She was working in advertising at the time, having moved into the Internet sphere in 1996, growing an online advertising site from zero dollars to $6 million in four years. She watched as a new industry emerged. She honed her business skills. She wore herself out. Then, she wanted to do something fulfilling. So in 2001, Northcutt...
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Julie Northcutt, CEO and founder of CaregiverList, discusses the rise in home health care agencies and the ways in which her company provides online resources for seniors and caregivers.
Blue Sky Innovation Chicago Tribune
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Two Omaha-based businesses are hitting sales milestones by helping senior citizens stay in their homes longer as they age.
Home Instead Senior Care and its smaller competitor Right at Home are part of a growing industry, selling franchise rights for businesses that provide in-home care services for senior citizens. The service is seen as a less-expensive alternative to a nursing home for people who need companionship, help with daily chores or personal hygiene care.
Home Instead, founded in 19...
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Case in Point Magazine, June Issue:
As Senior Care Moves to the Home, the Need Arises for More Caregivers and Quality Training Standards, by Julie Northcutt, CEO, Caregiverlist, Inc. Read Article on Page 17.
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Brewster Health Center in Topeka has received a rating of more than four stars in’s 5-Star Ratings, which are based on data from more than 18,000 nursing homes nationwide. Only 234 nursing homes received more than four stars. Families can sort through nursing homes based on location, costs and star rating on
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The story of an aging America often focuses on the large number of people turning 65 every day—a stream averaging 10,000 a day over the next 18 years or so. But for the rapidly expanding health care industry, perhaps the more relevant and frightening number involves how many of us will be celebrating our 85th birthdays. This is the age when chronic illness and frailty often force people to seek extended and expensive health care.
Based on U.S. Census Bureau projections issued la...
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Chart of the Day: Consumer Search Trends for Senior Care Services
Alyssa Gerace | April 23, 2013 | Comments (0)
Even though the number of senior care options has expanded in the past couple decades as different models have developed and evolved, consumer trends have stayed much the same with some small adjustments following the Great Recession.
The Google Trends chart below shows consumer interest in five search terms between January 2004 and April 2013, where purple ...
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People looking for a winning business venture are frequently choosing home health care agencies, and it's no wonder.The merging of an aging population and a push toward moving more health care services into patients' homes to reduce health care costs are making the business seem like a great bet. In Worcester County, new agencies have been setting up shop since 2008, mirroring a national boom in the home health industry. Most are private-pay agencies, which provide daily living assistance...
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The cost of long-term care continues to rise, according to the 10thannual Cost of Care Survey from insurance company Genworth.
The median annual cost of a private nursing home room reached $83,950 this year, up 3.6% from 2012, the report showed. Over the last five years, the cost of a private nursing home room has outpaced inflation, going up 4.5% on an annualized basis.
Assisted living costs increased even more dramatically over the last year. The median annual cost for assisted living increa...
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Compiled from More Than 18,000 Nursing Homes,’s Star Ratings Examine Quality of Facility and Overall Care
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) April 09, 2013
As more Baby Boomers age, the question of where Mom, Dad or Grandma and Grandpa will go for senior care can often be an overwhelming task. After compiling data from more than 18,000 nursing homes,, the premiere service connecting seniors and professional caregivers with the most reliable senior care options, annou...
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Every morning for the last seven years, Fanie Occeas has been preparing Prescola Beneby a hearty weekday breakfast — grits and sardines or sausage and eggs. Every morning, too, Occeas bathes the 87-year-old, tidies up her Arcola Lakes house and settles her in a wheelchair.
Their banter is easy, their movements together familiar and sure. “She’s like a daughter to me,” says Beneby.
Adds Occeas, “I’ve learned a lot from her.”
Occeas is a certified nursi...
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In-home U.S. senior care costs $16-$26 per hour, or $150-$280 for 24-hour live-in care, while a nursing home costs $180-$400 a day, experts say., a website involving elder care, compiled information from more than 18,000 long-term care nursing centers as well as in-home senior care options. The options are easily searched by zip code or state.
Julie Northcutt, chief executive officer of, said many Americans do not realize the true cost of long-term care.
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Editor's Note: This story originally said room rates per month. The rates are actually per day, as stated in the updated version below.
The most expensive nursing home care is on average found on the East Coast, according to data released Wednesday.
Nationally, seniors pay between $5,000 and $12,000 a month for nursing care, according to The website identified the top 10 most and least expensive long-term care nursing centers out of more than 18,000 in its searchab...
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Caregiverlist named the Tampa and Sarasota area among the top 20 U.S. cities for senior caregiver employment.
The Tampa/Sarasota area ranked No. 20 on the index, according to a statement.
Due to a senior care industry expansion over the past few years, there has been a 40 percent growth in U.S. senior care agencies since 2008, the statement said.
Tampa Bay has added 41 new care giving agencies since 2008, according to a company spokesperson.
Chicago was ranked No. 1.
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Need a job? Take care of Grandma. Not yours. Someone else's.
The U.S. Census Bureau reports there are 40 million Americans ages 65 or older, and nearly 10 million are at least 85 years old—the so-called "oldest old." We are living longer, and increasingly Americans have long term care insurance or some other means of paying for care in their own homes.
"The senior care industry, just for senior home care, has grown more than 40 percent in the last five years," sai...
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Which technologies are gaining popularity and sustained use among today’s seniors? With which digital media are boomers and seniors really engaging – and how can that insight be used to make marketing plans that target them more effective? Why are more companies turning to a “mobile first” strategy to capture tech savvy boomers on the go? All of these topics and more will be explored at the 10th Annual What’s Next Boomer Business Summit, taking place on March 1...
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New California Caregiver Training and Licensing Requirements
California caregivers will now join a few other states which provide an official state registry for the home care aide caregivers to be a member of, verifying their background check information. Called the Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act, and sometimes referred to as "bill 1217", this new law will be in effect in January of next year for all California senior caregivers and senior home care agencies.
California Assembly Bi...
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California's Governor Jerry Brown has ensured that his state joins the handful of states requiring home health agencies to conduct thorough background checks prior to hiring senior home care workers. Legislation is not scheduled to be in place until January 2016.
The Home Care Services Consumer Protection Act of 2013 requires agencies to run background checks on employees and list aides in an online registry. Home Care Agencies must also provide a license certifying their compliance with basic ...
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Recent legislation has been proposed which could change the exemption from overtime pay for companion caregivers. Read more about this overtime pay exemption legislative initiative and complete the survey below for the National Private Duty Association, an advocate for senior home care agencies.
Survey must be filled out by DECEMBER 31, 2011: NPDA Companionship Exemption Survey
About the Exemption from Overtime Pay for Companion Caregivers
Under the federal Fair Labor Standards Ac...
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Senior caregiving services have continued to grow as America's seniors are living longer while needing care for at least a few of their later years. Senior caregiving has expanded to now offer professionally managed care in the home, adult day care centers and assisted living communities. As the industry has grown, caregiver training standards are being implemented.
Proper caregiver training insures both the senior and the caregiver will enjoy care services in a safe env...
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Intellicorp, Caregiverlist’s background check provider of choice, has been named to Workforce Management’s 2013 Hot List of Employment Screening Providers. This is InelliCorp’s 7th consecutive year named on the annual list, which highlights the top providers of background screening products and services.
Background checks have increased over the last 12 months, despite the recent “ban the box” movement, removing the section of a job application concerning criminal ...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of October 22nd: Marjorie Fequiere from Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Congratulations to Caregiver Marjorie Fequiere winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assi...
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California senior caregiver licensing and training regulations were passed into law and signed by Governor Jerry Brown on October 13, 2013. This new legislative action seeks to better regulate senior care companies and home care aides who work as senior caregivers. Called bill 1217 by many in the senior care industry, the final requirements include licensing fees for senior home care companies, a home care aide registry and specific guidelines for caregiver training. The training requireme...
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New legislation in Rhode Island mandating background checks in various job sectors has lead to the highest volume of pre-employment checks ever recorded at the state’s attorney general’s office.
Jobs that require the limited Rhode Island criminal history background check include those in the caregiving job sector, such as assisted-living administrators, home nursing care providers, home health care providers, nursing service agency employees and those in adult supportive care.
For ...
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Caregiverlist profiled the high growth in senior home care agencies since the "Great Recession" started in the U.S.A. with a 40% growth in new senior home care companies opening since 2008. Along with the growth in senior care companies comes a need for more qualified professional senior caregivers.
The Miami Herald newspaper today profiles the need for more trained caregivers in the Miami area as the Boomer population ages. One of the challengs for the senior care industry is keepi...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of October 29th: Jacqueline Keen from Chicago, Illinois.
Congratulations to Caregiver Jacqueline Keen - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Jacqueline to a career in caregiving?
What led me to a career in caregiving is my passion in helping others who are ill. I think helping others is the most important th...
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The senior home care industry continues to grow, with the industry noted as one of the top 10 growing industries for 2012 by Entrepreneur Magazine. Keep up with leadership training, service offerings and training by attending senior home care and home health care conferences in 2012.
Save these dates:
January 23 - 25, 2012: Private Duty Home Care Leadership Summit & Exposition, Las Vegas, Nevada
March 25 - 28, 2012: March on Washington & Law Symposium Conference &...
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The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has responded to a recent letter sent from nine state Attorneys General asking the agency to reconsider its guidance on the use of criminal background checks conducted by potential employers.
The EEOC brought lawsuit against companies who used criminal background checks to deny employment. The agency contended that companies like Freeman Companies, a national events marketing organization, ”rejected job applicants based on their credit hi...
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The Maine House of Representatives has passed bill LD 549 allowing for a one-time shoplifting conviction to be sealed from public view and thus not seen on criminal background checks.
Originally, the bill was to include a variety of non-violent, non-sexual crimes, but lawmakers amended the bill to seal the records of only those convicted of a Class E theft charge, where the person was older than 18, but not yet 21 years of age. Also, at least 4 years have had to have passed since ser...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of November 5th: Monet Coleman from Chicago, Illinois.
Congratulations to Caregiver Monet Coleman- winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Monet to a career in caregiving?
The main thing or person I should say that led me to choosing caregiving as a career is my grandmother.One of my most memorable caregiving experiences would have t...
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Culled from a variety of sources, this Background Check Glossary of Terms is not meant to be all encompassing. Some judicial systems may use different terminology and background check laws vary from state to state. When in doubt, please seek legal counsel.
A person who aids or contributes in the commission or concealment of a crime.
A person in any way involved with another in the commisssion ...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of November 19th: Keisha Owens
Congratulations to Caregiver Keisha Owens - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communities, hospices a...
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Senior caregivers provide hourly and daily care for seniors in their homes and in senior living communities. The daily "live-in" senior care has been exempt from over-time pay under the companionship exemption within the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). A new proposal by the Obama administration would change this. The live-in caregivers who care for the senior during the day and sleep at night would qualify for over-time pay. These caregivers have been classified ...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of November 26th: Veronica Teague from Orlando, FL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Veronica Teague - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living c...
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Eldercare placement referral companies have begun to populate the internet, and it turns out some are good and some are not so good. Now the state of Washington has stepped in to help regulate the industry and define quality controls and systems that should be in place in order to protect seniors. More and more states may be passing laws to regulate eldercare referral agencies as the industry matures.
What will now be required? The new law provides these requirements for elder...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of December 3rd: Merlinda Ramos from Wilmington, CA.
Congratulations to Caregiver Merlinda Ramos winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Merlinda to a career in caregiving?
-What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I like helping people in need of services.
-What is one of your most memorable caregiving exp...
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Washington voters passed Initiative 1163 this month, requiring 75-hours of training and FBI background-checks for all professional caregivers. These new measures for senior caregivers seem like good ideas, but the governor of the state and many senior care professionals were advocating against this measure. Caregiverlist researched this issue to find out why.
One union, SEIU (Service Employees International Union), spent more than $1 million dollars to promote passage of this ne...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of December 10th: Chantal Umutoni from Bellevue, Washnigton.
Congratulations to Caregiver Chantal Umutoni - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Chantal to a career in caregiving?
-What led you to begin a career in caregiving? What made me begin a career in caregiving is that since I am pursuing a care...
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Senior care services often must begin quickly, after a senior has suffered a sudden medical condition such as a stroke or developed an age-related illness such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease. As senior care impacts an entire family, both financially and emotionally, it can sometimes be beneficial to consult with and hire a Geriatric Care Manager (GCM). Caregiverlist's guest columnist, Charlotte Bishop, explains the services and value provided by a professional Geriatric Care M...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of February 11th. Marjorie Fequiiere.
Congratulations to Caregiver Marjorie Fequiere- winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communi...
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Senior caregiving is very different from child care, as sandwich generation parents and caregivers well know. Children know they are expected to follow the instructions of their nanny or baby-sitter and it is also expected they will misbehave sometimes as they are growing children. The parents are there at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day to hold everyone accountable.
Senior care is completely different. First, it is not at all baby-sitting and specific knowl...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner of January, 2013 Debra Fazio from Santa Rosa, CA.
Congratulations to Caregiver Debra Fazio winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and monthly Grand Prize - $50 Gift Certificate to any of the Darden Restaurants: Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Bahama Breeze, Longhorn Steakhouse, The Capital Grille, Eddie V's and Seasons 52.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Debra to a career in caregiving?
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Caregiving for aging parents, while raising children, creates unique challenges for families. Soon there will be a higher percentage of senior citizens than any other age group in America. Beginning today, April 17, 2012, National Public Radio's Morning Edition program will begin broadcasting "Family Matters". This series explores the new reality for many Americans as their parents are living longer. In addition, families began having their first child often in their 30's...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of February 18th: Michelle Marrero from Hillside, IL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Michelle Marrero winner of a free t-shirt, and a lapel pin.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Michelle to a career in caregiving?
-What led you to begin a career in caregiving? What let me nto this career of caregiving is that I like to help people and I love to make them happy. I love an...
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High-profile exits shouldn’t make reverse mortgages harder to get, experts say. Other lenders are filling the void. Seniors seeking to age-in-place in their current homes sometimes seek a reverse mortgage as a way to safely tap into their home equity to help pay for senior care. The recent banking crisis has changed the landscape for reverse mortgages.
Reverse mortgages are loans for certain people age 62 and older, based in part on what their home is worth. The heavily regulated pr...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of February 25th: Thomas Tolbert from Laurel, MD.
Congratulations to Caregiver Thomas Tolbert winner of a free t-shirt, and a lapel pin.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Tomas to a career in caregiving?
-What led you to begin a career in caregiving? Taking care of my grand mom and dad led me to begin a career in caregiving.
-What is one of your most memorable caregiving e...
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Washington State Initiative 1163 Increases Caregiver Paid Training to 75 Hours
Senior caregiving quality begins with the caregiver. With this in mind, the state of Washington, in 2008, passed an initiative to require senior care companies to provide 75 hours of training to caregivers and to conduct a multi-state background check, along with a few other requirements. However, the state of Washington delayed implementing the new law because they did not have the money to pay for the m...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of March 4th: Candice Chism from Chicago, IL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Candice Chism winner of a free t-shirt, and a lapel pin.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communities, hospices and nursing homes. &...
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Illinois Senior Care Costs: Nursing Homes and Illinois State Supported Senior Care
In-Home Senior Care
Assisted Living
CCRC (Continuing Care Retirement Community)
Nursing Home
Veteran’s Care: Home Companion and Nursing Aide Care or Veteran’s Retirement Home
Low-Income Illinois Seniors May Qualify for:
Medicare Cost-Sharing
Medicaid (pays for Nursing Home Care)
Food Stamps
Medicaid financial qualifications for seniors age 65 or old...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner of March, 2013 Christine Kemmett from North Olmsted, OH.
Congratulations to Caregiver Christine Kemmett winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and monthly Grand Prize - $50 Gift Certificate to any of the Darden Restaurants: Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Bahama Breeze, Longhorn Steakhouse, The Capital Grille, Eddie V's and Seasons 52.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Christine to a career in caregiving?
What ...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner of March, 2013 Christine Kemmett from North Olmsted, OH.
Congratulations to Caregiver Christine Kemmett winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and monthly Grand Prize - $50 Gift Certificate to any of the Darden Restaurants: Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Bahama Breeze, LonghornSteakhouse, The Capital Grille, Eddie V's and Seasons 52.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Christine to a career in caregiving?
-What ...
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Caregiver turnover for senior care companies can be as high as 75%. Some of the senior caregiver turnover can be attributed to seniors passing away or recovering from an illness and no longer needing care. The remaining reasons for high senior caregiver turnover are:
difficult patients
high client-to-staff ratio
fluctuating schedules
lower pay
inflexible staffing
Aging comes with some difficult aspects, such as outliving friends and family members a...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of April 5th: Darla Cameron, from Early Branch, SC.
Congratulations to Caregiver Darla Cameron winner of a free t-shirt, and a lapel pin.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communities, hospices and nursing ho...
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Chicago, Illinois nursing homes and nursing homes throughout the state are inspected by health inspectors every 15 months. These health inspection reports are provided to the public through the government's Medicare website. You may review the Illinois nursing home violations for the 2nd quarter of 2012. The violations are reported each quarter, with updates on the previous violations for the fines paid or violations removed after further investigation of the events.
Nursing h...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of April 22, 2013: Darla Arnold from Scottsboro, AL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Darla Arnold winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour online caregiver training program as a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Darla to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I have always had a tremendous love for...
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In 1998, I was in Los Angeles attending a trade show for business. I was the first employee in the advertising department for a new website and had convinced the dot-com start-up to purchase a booth at a trade show. The marketing budget was still small and I would be exhibiting with what I could take and set-up in the convention center by myself.
In order to make it happen, I called my friend Ishtar, who had been an intern at a former company I worked for and now was pursui...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner of April 29, 2013 Yoland Blair from Baltimore, MD.
Congratulations to Caregiver Yolanda Blair winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and monthly Grand Prize - $50 Gift Certificate to any of the Darden Restaurants: Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Bahama Breeze, Longhorn Steakhouse, The Capital Grille, Eddie V's and Seasons 52.
Becoming a senior Caregiver. What led Yolanda to a career in caregivin...
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Maxim Health Care Services provides senior home health care in the home, both insurance reimbursed healthcare visits and private pay home care. The company uses the name Care Focus and Max Health in some markets for their private duty senior care services.
Improper billing practices were discovered at more than one office, as they conduct business in several states nationwide. Today it was announced that Maxim Health Care Services has agreed to pay $150 million to resolve fraud allegation...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of May 13, 2013: Melody Ann Smith from Sanford, FL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Melody Ann Smith winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour online caregiver training program as a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Melody to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I enjoy working with peop...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of May 21, 2013: Gwen Howard from Milan, TN.
Congratulations to Caregiver Gwen Howard winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour online caregiver training program as a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Gwen to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I watch my mother as a C.N.A. for 20 somethi...
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Caregiver games? You may be wondering if you read this right. It turns out there are many benefits received from involvement in game playing and now a new game for caregivers has been launched to deliver these benefits to caregivers.
The Caregiver Village, an online game for caregivers, debuts this month. The online game brings a virtual world of caregivers together to share support, resources and humor with each other. The game, called The Village Chronicles, challenges...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner of May 31, 2013: Stella Spiridinova from Arlington Heights, IL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Stella Spiridonova winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and monthly Grand Prize - $50 Gift Certificate to any of the Darden Restaurants: Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Bahama Breeze, Longhorn Steakhouse, The Capital Grille, Eddie V's and Seasons 52.
Becoming a senior Caregiver. What led Stella to a ca...
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Publisher Note: On October 14, 2011, the Dept. of Health and Human Services reported that the CLASS Act may not be viable as participation is not mandatory for all. Read More.
Senior care can cost from $34,000 to more than $100,000 in a nursing home each year. Most of us never plan on needing senior care, but insurance industry professionals who have done the research say we will probably need at least 2 years of senior caregiving. As Americans are living longer, with th...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of June 4, 2013: Jasmin A. Bailey from Philadelphia, PA.
Congratulations to Caregiver Jasmin A. Bailey winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour online caregiver training program as a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Jasmin to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? When I was 15 year...
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Family members are unable to be by their elder's side 24/7. As technology has enabled us to be more "wired" and connected, this has also enabled scammers to be more efficient. The creation of multiple direct mail advertisements, emails, phone calls and sales promotions by companies, in order to sell their services or products makes it tough to sift the good from the bad. However, there are some clues that will quickly allow you to identify a scam that could ...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of June 17: Wanda Wall, from Zebulon, NC.
Congratulations to Caregiver Wanda - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communities, ...
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Hubert Humphrey III Leads New Office of Older Americans
Seniors are a target for exploitation, unfortunately, as their circumstances can easily fit the requirements for someone easy to exploit (especially if they are lonely, have extra time on their hands and are experiencing memory loss). Now, the U.S. government is stepping in to protect the elderly with more safeguards and services.
A new consumer advocate has been appointed through the creation of the new Office of Older Americans, a...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of June 17: Latoya Smith, from Riverdale, GA.
Congratulations to Caregiver Latoya - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communities, h...
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Senior care options can be confusing, especially when trying to understand the costs of care and what benefits Medicare provides (only up to 100 days in a nursing home).
Minnesota has passed a new law which went into effect on October 1, 2011, which will attempt to make sure a senior understands all the details of a move to an assisted living community.
Seniors seeking assisted living in Minnesota now must speak to a counselor who will help them make better and less costly long-term care choic...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of July 8, 2013: Alpha A. Eucapor from San Francisco, CA.
Congratulations to Caregiver Alpha A. Eucapor winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour online caregiver training program as a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Alpha to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? It happened when m...
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Nursing home violations are not included in the health inspections which are part of the Medicare star-ratings. The state of Illinois has announced the violations for April through June, 2011. You may review the nursing home's costs and star-ratings from the health inspection reports in Caregiverlist's nursing home directory.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has initiated action, as indicated, against the following facilities which have been determined to be in v...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of July 15, 2013: O. Chris Griffin from Pico Rivera, CA.
Congratulations to Caregiver O. Chris Griffin winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour online caregiver training program as a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Chris to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? When I became a...
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Nursing home care for seniors has been the solution turned to by Medicare and Medicaid insurance for the last 70 years. However, a few states are finally making strides forward in developing new managed care solutions for senior care.
As seniors begin Medicare insurance at age 65, they discover that Medicare does not pay for ongoing long-term care needs, but only for short-term stays in a nursing home. Medicaid, for very low-income seniors, does pay for ongoing nursing home stays.&n...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of July 22: Kenyetta Flemming, from Hampton, GA.
Congratulations to Caregiver Kenyetta - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living comm...
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Alzheimer's disease has affected millions of seniors and their families. September has been designated as World Alzheimer's month and events are planned, including the Memory Walk in many cities, to raise awareness of the disease.
Early diagnosis can help in slowing the progression of the disease, as some medications have been found to be effective although there is no cure currently. As the disease progresses at different rates in each individual, the first step is securing a prope...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of July 29th: Tammy Fuori, from Tampa, FL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Tammy - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communit...
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Alzheimer's disease has been a diagnosis Norm McNamara has faced with courage, wit and advocacy. His diary entry for September, Alzheimer's Awareness month, follows.
A Typical Day with Alzheimer’s
I open my eyes and look round the room; it seems vaguely familiar but the memories of last night’s nightmares come thundering back into focus. Why is it if I have Alzheimer’s disease, I can always remember the nightmares? Just doesn’t seem fair. I turn and look at my ...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of August 26, 2013: Johnetta Duckworth from Compton, CA.
Congratulations to Caregiver Johnetta Duckworth winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and monthly Grand Prize - Scrub of the Month courtesy of Scrubs Magazine.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Johnetta to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I began caregiving by watching my mother which...
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Alzheimer's Disease was diagnosed for Norm McNamara when he discovered he was challenged by memory loss. He shares his end-of-life video as part of his Caregiverlist diary entry. He discusses the challenges of needing a caregiver and planning ahead for your care needs which includes discussing end-of-life care.
Research senior care options and plan ahead for your own care needs.
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of September 2: Mary Ann Opulente, from Hampton Bays, NY.
Congratulations to Caregiver Mary Ann Opulente - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, ass...
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Senior caregivers often do not have health insurance. Why? Because it is not currently easy for small businesses to obtain affordable group health insurance and because many senior caregivers work part-time and do not qualify for the health insurance benefit that companies can only offer to full-time employees. This just seems sort of wrong that we would ask someone to provide care services for a senior and yet not offer them health insurance.
Caregiverlist advocates for...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of September 25, 2013: Fatima Ziride from Cincinnati, OH.
Congratulations to Caregiver Fatima Ziride winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour online caregiver training program as a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Fatima (originally from Morocco) to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I h...
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5 Tips for Preventing Bedsores in Seniors by Geriatric Care Manager C. Charlotte Bishop
Health care providers call them decubitus ulcers, but most
people know these pressure wounds on the skin as bedsores.
Although bedsores as a medical condition are not tracked by the
Centers for Disease Control, it is generally estimated that about
two million Americans suffer with these ulcers any given year.
The vast majority of pressure ulcers occur among adults in thei...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of September 30, 2013: Brooklynn Weaver from Decatur, GA.
Congratulations to Caregiver Brooklynn Weaver winner of monthly Grand Prize - Scrub of the Month courtesy of Scrubs Magazine.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Brooklynn to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I knew I wanted to be a nurse a few of years after my parents became fo...
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Senior care planning involves considering both health care needs as well as financial costs of care. Questions to ask when planning for senior care include:
How much care will I need?
How much will the care cost?
How long will I live?
Technology and medical care advances are enabling Americans to live longer. Living longer does come with new challenges.
A woman age 65 in the U.S.A. has a greater chance of needing long-term care than having her home burn down (a 10x greater c...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of October 14th: Kerri Glinka, from Holbrook, NY.
Congratulations to Caregiver Kerri - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communi...
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Senior healthcare needs are provided for by Medicare or Medicaid insurance, with all Americans required to enroll in Medicare or Medicaid at age 65. Medicaid is for low-income seniors and actually provides more benefits, including ongoing long-term care in a nursing home. One of the components of healthcare reform, agreed upon by both Democrats and Republicans, according to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee report, includes significant changes in the Medicare and Medicaid benefit qua...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of October 21, 2013: Laura C. Martinez from Miami, FL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Laura C. Martinez winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour online caregiver training program as a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Laura to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? In my country actually I was a ...
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The Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) is an all-volunteer effort to raise awareness and fund research. The AAQI sponsors a traveling quilt exhibit about Alzheimer's and sells small donated quilts online to fund research. The charity has raised almost $1,000,000 for research since it began in 2006, and has awarded 15 research grants (from $10,000 to $60,000) to institutions across the country including the University of Michigan, Temple University, Cornell University, Te...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of October 30, 2013: Esther Kyakuwa from Waltham, MA.
Congratulations to Caregiver Esther Kyakuwa winner of monthly Grand Prize - Scrub of the Month courtesy of Scrubs Magazine.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assis...
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Fashion Flash 2013, a fashion show featuring state troopers modeling couture on the runway, raises money for Compass to Care Childhood Cancer Foundation. This event in Chicago on July 27th, 2013, brings together everyone from nationwide corporations to local businesses supporting the charity’s cause in a trendy and energetic atmosphere.
The charity fashion show features Illinois State Troopers as runway models, named the “Fashion Police.” The state troopers return t...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of November 6th: Amanda Goss, from Salem, IN.
Congratulations to Caregiver Amanda - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communitie...
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CPR administration occurring immediately after a sudden cardiac arrest doubles, or even triples, a victim’s chance of survival, according to the American Heart Association. Unfortunately, a large percentage of Americans do not know how to deliver CPR. How much? 70% of the American population would not know how they could save a life.
Chicago training site, Windy City CPR, offers a variety of classes that help prepare individuals for potential life threatening situations. The classes...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of November 11, 2013: Chelita Hagan, from Phoenix, AZ.
Congratulations to Caregiver Chelita Hagan winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour online caregiver training program as a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Chelita to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I wanted to care gor people since I ca...
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Medicare coverage is confusing to many seniors and their caregivers, who question the new Affordable Healthcare Act and its marketplace, believing that they need to use the exchanges to purchase Medicare supplemental and prescription coverage.
The Affordable Healthcare Act will have no effect on Medicare coverage. The policies sold within the private insurance exchanges are for people who have no existing health insurance. Those who are enrolled in Medicare do indeed have health insurance that ...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of November 18th: Aaliyah Shareef, from Milwaukee, WI.
Congratulations to Caregiver Aaliyah - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living ...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of November 24, 2013: Tanesha Cullivan from Marksville, LA.
Congratulations to Caregiver Tanesha Cullivan winner of monthly Grand Prize - Scrub of the Month courtesy of Scrubs Magazine.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Tanesha to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I was led to be a Caregiver was when my son was diagnosed of being autistic....
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of December 2nd: Katrina Myrick, from Tampa, FL.
Congratulations to Katrina Myrick - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communities, hospic...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of December 11th: Rebecca Bise, from Fort Knox, KY.
Congratulations to Rebecca Bise - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living com...
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The Five Wishes document brings a solution to end-of-life care that only costs a few dollars, allowing seniors or any individual to have clear instructions and long-term health care wishes well organized and legally documented. This allows family members, medical professionals and loved ones to know their wishes for end-of-life care should they become unable to be their own advocate. Developed in 1997, Five Wishes was written with the assistance of The American Bar Association’s Comm...
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Caregiverlist®, Inc. has been officially granted a Principal Trademark for the name Caregiverlist® associated with proprietary senior care options related to the unique nursing home ratings and costs, caregiver job applicant portal and senior care training programs.
After successfully receiving a Supplemental Trademark, Caregiverlist® has surpassed the 5-year mark and all due diligence to receive the U.S. Trademark for the web based senior care tools along with an additional tradema...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of December 18th, 2013: Tiffany Clervil from Jacksonville, NC.
Congratulations to Caregiver Tiffany Clervil winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour online caregiver training program as a member of the Professional Association of Caregivers.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Tiffany to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I love helping ...
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Senior care companies must organize their systems in many areas in order to deliver quality senior care. One of the biggest challenges for senior home care agencies lies in managing the scheduling and billing for the caregiver and the senior care client. Caregivers working in a senior’s home need to arrive on time and leave on time, even though they do not have their care manager there to monitor this. In addition, if a senior asks the caregiver to stay longer, the s...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of December 31, 2013: Stephanie Zhang from Maspeth, NY.
Congratulations to Caregiver Stephanie Zhang winner of monthly Grand Prize - Scrub of the Month courtesy of Scrubs Magazine.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Stephanie to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I love to care for others that are in need. I see that when making oth...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of January 13th: Mary Abrahamson, from Gilmer, TX.
Congratulations to Mary Abrahamson - winner of 10-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communities, hospices and ...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of January 20th, 2014: Breyanna Brandenburg from El Paso, TX.
Congratulations to Caregiver Breyanna Brandenburg winner of weekly prize - 10-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Breyanna to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I was led into a career in caregiving because I enjoy encouraging oth...
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Senior caregiving services are needed by seniors who are experiencing age-related illnesses and with more seniors choosing to age-in-place in their own home, the senior home care industry has grown by 40% since 2008. This means there will continue to be ongoing employment for professional senior caregivers.
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of January 27, 2013: Bockarie Lansana from Chicago, IL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Bockarie Lansana winner of monthly Grand Prize - Scrub of the Month courtesy of Scrubs Magazine.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Bockarie to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? The passion I have for caring for seniors in the comfort of their...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of February 5th: Laura Barny, from Los Angeles, CA.
Congratulations to Laura Barny - winner of 8-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communities, hospices and nursing h...
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of February 9th: Melissa Diaz, from Orlando, FL.
Congratulations to Melissa Diaz - winner of 8-hour caregiver training program.
Senior caregiving delivers many rewards beyond a paycheck. As a senior caregiver you may work in a part-time, full-time or live-in position. Positions are available with senior home care agencies, assisted living communities, hospices and nursing homes. &...
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On a cool Southern California day just before Thanksgiving last year, 88-year-old Roy Charles Laird walked into a nursing home and shot his wife in the head, police say. She was lying in bed.
The story made national news. But it’s not unique. Laird’s 86-year-old wife had late-stage dementia. His daughter, Kathy Palmateer, told the Los Angeles Times it was a “mercy killing.”
“It’s everywhere. This is not new,” says Jane L. Mahakian, Ph.D., founder...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of February 17th, 2014: Brenda Russell from Burns, TN.
Congratulations to Caregiver Brenda Russell winner of weekly prize - 8-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Brenda to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? What led me to being a caregiver was my mom. I was her only caregiver 24/7 for 9 1/2 y...
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Memory loss diagnosed as Alzheimer's disease brings the challenges of coping with a disease that progresses at different speeds and in a variety of ways for each individual.
What happens to the person who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease as memories are being lost? How do they feel when they hear their diagnosis? How do they tell their loved ones? Caregiverlist brings you the diary of Norm McNamara, from the United Kingdom, to allow you to find out.
Norm McNa...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of February 24th, 2014: Rebeca Torres from San Antonio, TX.
Congratulations to Caregiver RebecaTorres winner of monthly Grand Prize - Scrub of the Month courtesy of Scrubs Magazine.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Rebeca to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I started caregiving career by taking care of famly friends, and then it...
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Medicaid, the low-income health insurance for seniors, many times becomes a payment solution for those who need long-term nursing care. Medicare is the health insurance program all seniors receive at age 65, but it does not pay for long-term care in a nursing home nor in the home (Medicare pays for short-term nursing home stays after a major medical incident, fully paying for up to 20 days and then partially paying for days 21 to 100).
Illinois has made changes to their Medicaid qualifica...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of March 3rd, 2014: Rachelle Hermanson from Sarasota, FL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Rachelle Hermanson winner of weekly Refer-a-Friend prize - 8-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Rachelle to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? My father was ill with COPD and I became a caregiver for him and...
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Medicare provides health insurance for seniors and has a sister service called Medicaid, for low-income seniors. As the politicians jockey for position for the upcoming November elections, Caregiverlist provides a list of the facts regarding Medicare and Medicaid and the proposals on the table.
Medicare fraud has accounted for more than $60 billion in losses to the program each year - we'll just throw this out there as perhaps the first step in making sure this health care program ...
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Senior Care Legal Documents
Seniors often do not plan ahead for senior care. But as soon as senior care needs are required, you should make sure all of the proper legal documents which could be necessary for elder care are in place. Especially now that medical doctors must enforce the privacy of medical records and seniors usually have more than one doctor. Be sure to include in your senior planning the following legal documents:
Health Insurance Information (HIPAA)
Power ...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of March 10th 2014: Nannette Hill from Americus, GA
Congratulations to Caregiver Rachelle Hermanson winner of weekly Refer-a-Friend prize - 8-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Rachelle to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? Family members needed care, could not afford caregiver services through an agency...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of March 17th, 2014: Monique K. Chaplin from Warner Robins, Georgia.
Congratulations to Caregiver Monique K. Chaplin winner of weekly Refer-a-Friend prize - 8-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Monique to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? After having opportunity to assist patients ...
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Senior care professionals can all tell you that most seniors do not plan ahead for senior care needs. Everyone just assumes, or hopes, they will never need senior care. Finding the right senior care option usually is a last-minute task after a senior has been hospitalized for a stroke or a hip replacement or another age-related illness. As hospital stays have become shorter on Medicare and Medicaid, seniors are finding they must receive rehabilitation care in a nursing home and at th...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of March 17th, 2014: Sydney Stone from West Virginia.
Congratulations to Caregiver Sydney Stone winner of weekly Refer-a-Friend prize - 8-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Sydney to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I love helping people no matter what their age is.
How many...
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Senior caregiver stress comes with the territory of caregiving. All caregivers know that each day will bring new challenges, especially when caring for a senior who is on hospice care or who is dealing with memory loss.
Stress in America, a survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association, confirms the strong link between caregiving and additional stress. When unhealthy behaviors are used to manage stress, which is often the case, additional...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of March 28th, 2014: Monet Coleman from Chicago, IL.
Congratulations to Caregiver Monet Coleman winner of monthly Grand Prize - Scrub of the Month courtesy of Scrubs Magazine.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Monet to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? The main thing that led me to begin a career in caregiving was my gr...
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Family caregiving challenges increase as care needs for a senior increase. As the number of seniors will greatly increase in the coming decade, many initiatives are being considered to ease the care burden for senior's family members.
The AARP Public Policy Institute has released a new paper, A Call to Action: What Experts Say Needs to Be Done to Meet the Challenges of Family Caregiving. The paper highlights policy recommendations from an AARP Solutions Forum and summarizes 10 comm...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of April 14th, 2014: Iris Thomas from Decatur, Georgia.
Congratulations to Caregiver Iris Thomas winner of weekly Refer-a-Friend prize - 8-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Iris to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? What led me to be a caregiver is I enjoy helping people. I have had other...
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Alzheimer's disease brings a specific set of memory loss elements, making it different from other types of memory loss. Alzheimer's disease also progresses in different ways for each person. Seniors who believe they may be developing some memory loss should first obtain a diagnosis of the type of memory loss, in order to obtain the best care.
Medications are now available to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Clinical trials are being conducted currently to te...
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Congratulations to Refer-a-Friend Job Application Winner week of April 21st, 2014: Jeanine Gilbert from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Congratulations to Caregiver Jeanine Gilbert winner of weekly Refer-a-Friend prize - 8-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Jeanine to a career in caregiving?
What led you to begin a career in caregiving? I love working with the elderly.
How many ye...
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Congratulations to Refer-A-Friend Job Application Winner for the week of July 7th, 2014: Leah Napier of Raleigh, North Carolina.
Leah recently began her caregiver career this past March. After going through a bad nursing home experience for her great grandmother, Leah wanted to “help towards making a difference is someone else’s life that needs it”. Aside from North Carolina, Leah is also a certified CNA in the Washington D.C. area.
As a caregiver, Leah’s most memorable...
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Telephone calls can be a challenge for seniors living with hearing loss. Technology continues to advance and Clarity, a division of Plantronics has debuted a new voice-activated and hands-free speakerphone called Fortissimo. As more seniors live longer lives, it has been predicted technology advancements will allow more convenient ways to age-in-place and this new phone is welcomed as a new tool for senior care.
Fortissimo, the name of the new phone, allows seniors to have a convers...
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Congratulations to Refer-A-Friend Job Application Winner for the week of July 21st, 2014: Janice Baker of Compton, California!
After her father was diagnosed with a care cancer in 2012, Janice found her calling in taking care of other seniors who did not have anyone to take care of them. In the short two years of being a caregiver, the most memorable moment Janice has was being able to spend quality father-daughter time during her fathers doctors appointments.
In her down time,...
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Congratulations to Refer-A-Friend Job Application Winner for the week of August 13th, 2014: Tokasa Ratu of Lautoka, Fiji!
Tokasa always had an interest in helping others, more so after helping her mother who was admitted to the hospital. With 10 years as a caregiver under her belt, Tokasa has learned that in order to do the best job possible, a caregiver must do their work honestly and sincerely. There are many individuals who need assistance and Tokasa takes great care knowing that her ab...
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The Cheesecake Factory serves millions of customers each month, happily preparing food from a menu with 308 different meal choices at 160 restaurants nationwide. In the New Yorker magazine's beach reading edition for the weeks of August 13th and 20th, Dr. Atul Gawande outlines how The Cheesecake Factory has duplicated successful systems in all of their locations and how healthcare simply does not at all create successful systems right now. This has been the popular emailed article fo...
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Congratulations to Refer-A-Friend Job Application Winner for the week of August 20th, 2014: Sarah Solis of Houston, TX!
Sarah first started her caregiving career in 2012 after realizing how much she enjoyed helping others and wanted to help others for as long as she can. The most memorable experience Sarah has had so far was when the senior and their family she was working for told her how much they appreciated the work that she was doing as well as making a positive impact in the seniors&rsquo...
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Quality Caregiver Training: Online Caregiver Certification
Quality senior caregiving requires training in the proper skills. While senior care might appear to be an easy job, it actually requires many skills. It is not the same as spending time with a Grandparent. And it is also very different from child care. Children are taught to listen to their babysitters. As for seniors, well, they might even be resistant to the caregiving services a caregiver is providing, e...
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Congratulations to Refer-A-Friend Job Application Winner for the week of Oct. 27th: Roschely Ortiz of Chicago IL.
As professional caregivers are always in demand, senior care companies hire new Caregivers and Certified Nursing Assistants, Certified Home Health Aides and Live-in Caregivers every week from Caregiverlist's proprietary job applicant service - apply for a caregiving job near you on Caregiverlist. Review caregiver job description.
Congratulations again to S...
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Fast-growth digital company looking for a driven college graduate for an entry-level sales and account management position where you will receive outstanding training and gain experience in sales, marketing and account management with a leading innovator in the healthcare industry. Join executive team with solid track record of success in growing companies and people. will give you the opportunity to play an instrumental role in driving customer acquisition and retention...
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Congratulations to Refer-A-Friend Winner: Jamica Saxon of Sandy Springs, GA!
Jamica has been a caregiver since July of 2012. Being a caregiver has helped her to become more patient with others. She loves helping people in need.
Georgia area seniors who choose to age-in-place appreciate services by caregivers such as Jamica.
As professional caregivers are always in demand, senior care companies hire new Caregivers and Certified Nursing Assistants, Certified Home Health Aides and Live...
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Congratulations to Refer-A-Friend Winner: Bielca Valera of Hyde Park, MA!
Bielca has been a caregiver for 4 years. Being a caregiver has helped her to become more embracive with the seniors that she works with. She loves that she gets to create lasting friendships with the seniors that she cares for.
Seniors that have decided to age in place in Massachusetts, cherish services given by caregivers such as Bielca.
As professional caregivers are always in deman...
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Congratulations to Refer-A-Friend Winner: Brandon Waterbury of Lakeside California!
Brandon loves working with seniors. His most memorible caregiving moment was when he used to take his client to the BarberShop for a beard trim and Haircut.
Seniors that have decided to age in place in California, cherish services given by caregivers such as Brandon.
As professional caregivers are always in demand, senior care companies hire new Caregivers and Certified Nursing Assistants, Certified ...
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Congratulations to Jevelyne Calago, Caregiverlist’s Refer-a-Friend Program Weekly Winner
Jevelyne became a caregiver to improve her skills and knowledge about the field. In her five years of being a caregiver Jevelyne has learned to help seniors, talk to them, how to show sympathy, and have sensitive feelings for their needs. Jevelyne realized that her parents are getting older and with her experience as a caregiver she will be able to give them the support and service they need.
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Caregiverlist Refer-a-Friend to the Caregiverlist Job Application Winner week of October 1st: Joliene Hughes
Congratulations to Caregiver Joliene Hughes - winner of a free t-shirt, lapel pin and 10-hour caregiver training program.
Becoming a Senior Caregiver: What led Joliene to a career in caregiving?
What really led me into the career as a caregiver was after I started volunteering for a health care homeless shelter in my hometown. My journey started when I saw the look on...
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Congratulations to Sephanie Charles, Caregiverlist's weekly Refer-a-Friend winner.
Stephanie has been interested in caregiving for quite some time. she previously had experience caring for her young cousins and for her grandfather during his last stages of a terminal illness. The loss of Stephanie's father and grandmother furthered her desire to pursue a career that involved helping others. During her care for her grandfather, Stephanie learned patience and understanding. N...
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Providing an e-mail address has now become as vital as providing a phone number, with the majority of Americans having high-speed internet access on a home computer and on a cellular phone. As smartphones have become more common (1 in 2 Americans will have a smartphone by Christmas, 2011), the ability to effectively communicate through e-mail has become part of the hiring process.
At Caregiverlist’s recent “Care for the Caregiver” Day in Chicago, senior home care agency ...
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Senior care has developed into an industry with many different types of care options, including senior home care which has been rapidly growing into a dynamic segment of senior care. Estimates vary on the size of the industry, but it is estimated that more than 33,000 companies provide some sort of home care for American families¹. This includes home health, hospice, and non-medical care.
According to Stephen Tweed from Leading Home Care, greater than 15,000 of these companies are n...
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Senior caregiver jobs continue to grow. Part-time, full-time and live-in senior caregiver positions are available for caring personalities. Professional experience is not required as senior care companies will provide training.
Senior caregiver positions include working for a senior home care agency, assisted living community or hospital or nursing home.
Review the Caregiverlist Employment Index 2013 to learn more.
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Seniors are living longer while also needing senior care services for more years. This means job opportunities in senior care will continue to grow with the Department of Labor Bureau predicting the senior care industry to be one of the largest employers in the coming decade.
Job hunters may want to consider entering the senior care field. The career growth opportunities are many and include stepping stones into social work, nursing or healthcare administration.
Senior care employe...
Continue reading, the nation’s premier service for connecting seniors and professional caregivers with the most reliable eldercare options, highest quality ratings and outstanding careers nationwide announces CEO Julie Northcutt will present at the 2011 annual meeting for the National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC) on October 4th.
More than 33,000 agencies nationwide provide home health and hospice care for seniors needing health care assistance in order to continue to safe...
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Three months ago, the husband of an 86-year-old woman with dementia relectuantly agreed to move her to a nursing home. Now he is the suspect in her death, as a result of a gun shot wound to the head. A .38 caliber revolver was in his pocket when officers arrived at the scene.
Roy Chalres Laird, 88, visited his wife, Clara, three time a day. They had been married for 70 years and moved to the nearby Leisure World retirement center 20 years ago. As her memory loss made dre...
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Medicare and Medicaid fraud has gone on for years, in some instances, as unscrupulous operators and insurance companies bill for services that are never provided or overcharge for items or services that are provided. Certainly the government has created systems that invited fraud, without proper checks and balances.
Oddly, some industry associations are still wanting barriers to systems being put in place to combat fraud. The American Medical Association does not want doctors to hav...
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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, signed into law by President Barack Obama will enable Americans to better budget and plan for senior care and have an insurance program to pay for the costs.
Today, senior with no personal assets to pay for senior care must spend-down to poverty level to qualify for Medicaid health insurance, which will only pay for long-term care in a Medicaid nursing home. Review this new law below to understand how the Community Living Assistance Services...
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Nursing home care is not a subject anyone usually wants to discuss or research until the need arises. Then, in an emergency situation, accurate information must be obtained quickly. Many times seniors are discharged from a hospital to a nursing home because they have been approved for a Medicare paid stay in the nursing home to recover. Medicare will pay for a nursing home for up to 100 days, with medical doctor approval.
As the owner of a senior home care agency which served ...
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Federal agents recovered $2.5 billion from health care fraud judgments in the budget year that ended in September, 2010. Whistleblowers receive credit for this record-breaking amount, along with the Obama administration for making a renewed effort to focus on fraud. While Congress looks for ways to cut budgets because of the deficit, a new drive to create more accountability for Medicare programs has begun. A Congressional appointed commission voted 13-1 to also begin co-pays f...
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At 92 years old, Elizabeth Marshall has been independent all her life, she says. And she’s not about to stop—thanks in part to the Older Americans Act, which affects millions of seniors and may be in for some changes this year.
Testifying before the Senate Special Committee on Aging in May, Marshall revealed an independence ingrained in her psyche. She broke new ground in 1977, becoming the first female mayor of York, PA—a city of about 300,000 people at that time.
After a ca...
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Identity theft can happen to anyone, but in many respects seniors are easier prey. First, they are the people who have a savings account or other nest egg that an identity thief may be trying to tap. Second, they have had a career of earning and saving which has given them very respectable credit scores, and therefore an easy mark for someone looking to use someone else’s identity to run up a credit card bill. So, whether you are a senior or have an older family member or...
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Senior care planning quickly becomes a complicated process. The first step is to determine if a senior is covered by Medicare or Medicaid health insurance, the programs for all American seniors. Why are there two different programs? Because Medicaid is for very low-income seniors and has funding from both the federal government and each state government which means each state has the freedom to fashion the program as they would like.
This means you must find the Medicaid eligibility...
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Quality standards for senior home care should be a natural, but as the industry is still very new (more than 30 franchise corporations just opened their doors in the last decade) national standards have not yet been created. Caregiverlist provides a list of quality standards for senior home care, which will make sure professional care with the necessary training and insurance requirements will be present for senior care in the home. Now a Northwestern University study confirms these ...
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Senior care costs matter, whether you have a lot of money or a little money. Caregiverlist takes a look at Illinois senior care costs to help you plan for your own retirement care needs. Medicare does not pay for long-term care and Medicaid, a program replacing Medicare for low-income seniors, is administered jointly between the state and federal governments and because of this provide different benefits in each state.
When Diane Vargas’* mother was released from the hospital ...
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Decisionhealth's 14th Annual Private Duty Conference & Expo will be from November 2nd through 4th at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. The 2011 conference will feature T. Scott Gross as the keynote speaker and a new Executive Skills Building Workshop pre-conference to help private duty executives refine key business skills.
The preconference skills will include:
Identifying and attracting the most profitable clients
Creating effective marketing plans
Implementing dashboards t...
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This is not going to be a fun article. But it is necessary. The other day I got a note from an acquaintance whose office manager passed away from a sudden heart attack. In her computer lay critical office records. In her head were the passwords to various accounts, programs, and documents. And now she was gone, leaving a digital disaster behind her. It was even worse for her family. No online access to her brokerage accounts, her credit cards, her banking, and who knows how many other accounts i...
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Senior caregiving benefits immensely from advances in technology. From easy blood pressure monitoring to medication reminders, both professional and family caregivers have readily available applications to help them provide better care. In this article, Gary M. Kaye of In the Boombox discusses Care Innovations' technology that helps connect a senior's caregiving circle.
Care Innovations, the joint Intel-GE health care venture is introducing an FDA approved cloud based teleheath remote moni...
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Seniors in America are living longer than previous generations. The large Baby Boomer population ranges in age from former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush to Sandra Bullock and Russell Crowe (anyone born between 1946 and 1964). This is a large generation and they are choosing to enjoy their retirement years a bit differently than the generation before them. Both housing and senior care needs must be considered when planning for retirement.
Better Homes and Gard...
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While families often turn to nursing homes when they can no longer provide their aging loved ones with sufficient care, geriatric health experts say these facilities generally lack the manpower needed for optimal treatment.
The appropriate staffing ratio during peak care hours at nursing homes should be one Certified Nursing Aide, the primary basic caregivers in these facilities, to every five or six patients, according to John Schnelle, director of the Vanderbilt Center for Quality Aging.
In ...
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Recruiters for senior care companies are trained to look for a consistent employment history when evaluating a caregiving job applicant. Why? Because especially in senior care, reliability is important. Having a consistent employment record means you performed well enough to not be fired and stuck with a job until you had another one and probably gave the appropriate two-week notice. You didn’t drop the ball.
As senior home care agencies, nursing homes, hospi...
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Non-Medical Private Duty Home Care Agencies Invited to Annual Industry Conference
Join senior home care agency owners from across the country to learn new strategies and keep up with current marketing methods to grow your business. Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas will be the location for DecisionHealth's 14th Annual Private Duty National Conference & Expo on November 2 - 4, 2011.
The event will deliver more advanced training sessions and workshops to take your agency to the next level...
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Nicki Schuh’s father became dependent on around-the-clock assistance after being diagnosed with advanced stages of Alzheimer’s Disease last spring. As she watched his mental and physical health deteriorate, Schuh said she knew it was time to make decisions about her father’s long-term care.
It can be stressful for adult children to confront the reality of an aging parent, but Schuh said her exploration of care options ended with a surprising sense of relief. She discovered the...
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Flu vaccinations are in plentiful supply this year. Anyone caring for a senior should get a seasonal flu shot and make sure the senior gets immunized too. Keep in mind there is more than one strain of the flu virus. The influenza vaccine is updated every year to include current viruses. The Center for Disease Control shares helpful tips for managing caregiving during the flu season.
For older adults, the seasonal flu can be very serious, even deadly. Each year in the U.S., an average of 23...
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Michigan's ballot on Tuesday will include Proposal 4, requiring an amendment to the state's constitution that would require home health workers to pay union dues to the SEIU (Service Employees International Union which serves as a union to government workers). It turns out Michigan had just excluded these home health workers by a vote of the state legislature this year and now the SEIU wants them back.
The SEIU in Washington state also passed a law recently, which, very much like this one, just...
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Medicaid, the health care program for low-income seniors, is administered by both the federal government and each state. The financial requirements for Medicaid qualifications vary slightly for each state. Medicaid does pay for long-term nursing home care, where as Medicare does not pay for long-term nursing home care. You can review the costs of nursing homes in your area to understand how Medicaid has grown into a large expense for the government. Due to the costs of nu...
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Top 10 Tips for Selecting the Best Assisted Living Facility
1.) Arrive early for your appointment. Bring paper and pad for note taking and be prepared to act as an interviewer. Scout out caregivers like yourself (in the parking lot or lobby) and ASK them a lot of QUESTIONS. Questions like how long their Mom or Dad have been living here. Ask if they are happy here; have they settled into a comfortable routine, have they made new friends? What are their parent(s) likes and...
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Meals on Wheels Chicago brings home delivered meals to the city’s seniors for as little as a $2.00 donation. Those caring for seniors know how valuable this service is for a senior living alone. In addition, the meal delivery program delivers the added value of having a person who is checking on the senior each day the meals are delivered.
In October, Chicago area chefs will help host the Celebrity Chef Ball to raise money for Chicago’s Meals on Wheels program. You...
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Disney World is not quite the venue where you’d expect to see top engineering students competing in an innovative design competition. But at the recently concluded Cornell Cup presented by Intel, thirty teams from eighteen different engineering schools showed off prototype products all built around Intel’s Atom chip. The real surprise was that fully half the inventions were targeted at the elderly and the disabled. The winner of the competition, along with a check f...
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Senior care services continue to grow, with senior home care agencies leading the way as more seniors choose to age-in-place in their own homes while enjoying professionally managed care services. Senior home care agencies follow all state licensing laws and employment laws and in addition provide professionally managed care and caregiver training. This has resulted in two of the leading franchise corporations in senior home care services to announce record growth in 2012 and the fir...
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Mayor 13
Proclaimed to the citizens of ___________________________________
(City) (State)
Whereas: Nursing homes, home care, hospitals and other long-term care agencies have accepted the
responsibility for providing quality care and a quality of life for the elder, frail and disabled
citizens in our community,
Whereas: The wellbeing and happiness of these citizens depend in large part on the nursing
assistants, hom...
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Nursing assistants are key players in the lives of the seniors in their care. In observance of Nurse Assistant's Week and Career Nurse Assistant's Day, here are 10 ways to recognize nursing assistants you are working with or who work for your senior care company.
The nationwide observance of Nursing Assistant’s Week provides many opportunities to recognize and validate the role of the nursing assistant in the health care system. Public recognition of nursing assistants provides a va...
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Professional caregivers and family caregivers alike entered Caregiverlist’s first-ever Summer Photo Contest for Senior Caregivers. Votes were tallied and winners were announced this morning. The top 3 voted photos submitted of caregivers with the seniors in their care are the winners of Amazon gift cards. Runner-ups receive free t-shirts.
Certified Nursing Assistants, Certified Home Health Aides, companion caregivers and family caretakers were all eligible to submit a photo of themselves ...
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Chinese seniors face more challenges than elders in other countries, accoding to the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. This first large scale survey of those over age 60 indicated alarming rates of poverty, disability and mental illness in a culture where honoring older people is deeply ingrained. The survey was led by Chineses and international academics and interviewed 17,808 individuals across 28 of China's 31 provinces and was partly funded by the Chinese government throu...
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Caregivers, Certified Nursing Aides, and Certified Home Health Aides can submit a photo of themselves with their senior client to the Caregiverlist Summer Photo Contest for Senior Caregivers. The contest starts Monday, July 8, 2013, and be hosted on the Caregiverlist Facebook page.
Contest winners will be chosen based on popularity via voting. Caregiverlist will award $100, $50 and $25 Amazon gift cards to the top 3 voted pictures and free t-shirts to the runners-up.
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Medicare rebate checks for $250 started going out in the mail last week. These rebate checks are also known as the donut hole checks and are estimated to be going to about 4 million eligible senior beneficiaries.
Seniors and their families should be aware that Medicare does not need any additional information in order to process and mail the rebate check. There are no forms to complete and they will not be contacting you for information.
As Medicare will not be calling you, be awar...
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Your caregiving job application has been reviewed and now your interview is scheduled. Congratulations!
What to wear?
Certified Nursing Aides, Home Health Aides and Companion Caregivers sometimes are required to wear uniforms and sometimes they are not.
Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words. Your appearance communicates who you are and gives you the opportunity to impress your employer as someone who is organized, dependable and capable. Make your dress code ex...
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Private Duty Insider Newsletter by DecisionHealth, June 21, 2011 Issue
Maximize Productivity, Resources Using a Caregiver-to-Client Ratio
Grow your private duty business by maintaining the appropriate caregiver-to-client ratio. Finding the right balance between having enough clients to keep your caregivers busy and having enough caregivers to staff your cases can be a challenge for growing companies.
The average home care agency that does about 2,000 hours per week should maintain a ...
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Chicago seniors are choosing to stay in Chicago and as the large baby boomer population is turning 65 and living longer, Certified Nursing Aide job openings are increasing. Jobs in senior care are slated to be one of the largest growing job niches in the Chicago area in the next decade.
Certified Nursing Aide jobs are available both part-time and full-time. Certified nursing aides become "certified" by taking a course at an approved Certified Nursing Aide school and then passing the...
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Senior Caregivers, Home Health Aides, Personal Care Attendants and Certified Nursing Aides all work as professional caregivers, bringing their skills to seniors living in their homes, in assisted living communities and in nursing homes and hospitals.
Working as a professional caregiver requires understanding how to maintain quality standards in delivering care while providing consistent behaviors. If you are exploring becoming a professional caregiver, you may apply for a part-time or ful...
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Martin Luther King Day celebrates the life of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The civil rights leader would have been 83 years old this year.
Senior caregivers assist seniors who saw the events of 1963 unfold, when Dr. King gave the "I Have a Dream" speech. Sometimes there are still challenges presented in senior care because of racial divides from previous generations. Today presents an opportunity to remind seniors and caregivers that we are all the same, regard...
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We have all seen the “extreme makeovers” on television. With the help of what seems to be legions of beauty artists, a person can be remade to appear beautiful. With the help of a troop of craftsmen, a home can become a trendy and cool new place. And with the help of a team of landscapers, the backyard desert can become a veritable Garden of Eden.
Okay, so back to the real world. What can an aging person do to be younger? Very simply, think positive! In a Yale University study, youn...
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The results of a new survey released by Working Mother Media highlights the growing number of women
serving as a primary caregiver for a family member with dementia.
The Alzheimer’s Association
acted as a knowledge partner on the survey, “Women and Alzheimer’s
disease: The Caregiver’s Crisis,” which reveals the increasing demands on women to balance career,
parenthood and caregiving.
? More than half of caregivers h...
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Healthcare costs are astronomical — and those costs don’t seem to be coming down anytime soon. The Wall Street Journal reports that health insurance costs may soon skyrocket, Healthy individuals could possibly see their insurance premiums double or triple under the new federal health law.
If you do not yet qualify for Medicare and are not covered by employer you may need an individual or family health insurance plan. We’ve partnered with eHealth to provide you the choice of ov...
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Basic Nursing Assistants provide the hands-on care for hospital patients, as well as for residents of nursing homes and assisted living communities. In addition, as senior home care has grown by more than 40% in just the last 5 years, more and more senior home care agencies hire basic nursing assistants.
Basic Nursing Assistant training has become a newer term, replacing Certified Nursing Assistant, or C.N.A. training, as the name of college programs. This is because the nurses mu...
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Medicare beneficiary hospital admission rates continue to fall, according to a recent announcement from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
Preliminary claims data reported by the CMS shows the Medicare readmission rate averaged less than 18% over the first eight months of 2013, translating into 130,000 fewer hospital readmissions between January 2012 and August 2013.
The decline is attributed to reforms outlined in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its penalties for revolv...
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Exercise is the single most influential factor in reducing the risk of developing dementia, according to a study spanning 35 years.
The study, published in the journal PLOS One, was led by Prof. Peter Elwood of Cardiff University's School of Medicine. The Cardiff University UK study, which began in 1979, followed a group of 2,235 men aged 25 to 49. What began as a study on the causes of heart disease moved toward a study of behavior in relation to dementia and strokes.
Five factors w...
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Several new cases of Legionnaires’ disease were diagnosed in cases across the United States, with the most recent instances found in Illinois and Wisconsin.
Legionnaires’ disease is a severe and sometimes deadly form of pneumonia — or lung inflammation —mainly caused by airborne bacteria found in large facilities such as nursing homes, hotels, and hospitals with poorly-maintained water systems. Legionella enters the body when contaminated water vapor is breathed into the...
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The winners of a first-ever Senior Home Architecture and Design competition, the SHN Design Awards, were announced by senior housing industry source, Senior Housing News.
This independent and non-trade organization-based competition received entries from more than 70 eldercare communities across the nation. Categories included: New Independent Living, New Assisted Living / Memory Care, New Skilled Nursing / Post-Acute Care, New Construction Continuing Care Retirement Community, Best Renovation ...
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Older Native Americans and African-Americans with type 2 diabetes are more likely to develop dementia than other groups, according to the first study to analyze racial and ethnic differences in dementia risk for individuals with type 2 diabetes. The lowest group at risk is Asian-Americans.
The study, published in Diabetes Care, included more than 22,000 patients over 60 years old who were members of the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Diabetes Registry. Dementia was diagnosed in 3,796 pat...
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Every senior caregiver has a first day on the job and a first day at a new client's home to begin caregiving services. You want to make a positive first impression and also organize your care plan duties in order to be able to schedule your day without missing any of the tasks. Follow these steps and you will be off to a great start as a new caregiver.
Review the Senior's Care Plan Carefully: understand the medical conditions the person has and learn about their personal informati...
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Senior caregivers who are not yet Certified Nursing Aides may want to consider becoming one. Why? Certified Nursing Aides who are also sometimes called Certified Nursing Assistants or C.N.A.'s for short, are a required part of the staffing mix at nursing homes, assisted living communities and hospitals. In order to be licensed to provide hands-on care, which all of these types of facilities provide, they must maintain a minimum level of C.N.A.'s based on the number of people th...
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Undercover Boss, the CBS program airing on Sunday nights, will feature a senior home care agency, BrightStar Care, on this week's show. The co-founders of Brightstar Care, Shelly and J.D. Sun, will go undercover as caregivers in Ohio, California and Arizona.
Senior home care agencies deliver the advantages of active care management and professional training for caregivers, including contributing to payroll taxes, providing employee benefits and insurance protections through worker's compe...
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Private Duty Insider Newsletter by DecisionHealth, June 7th Issue
Disaster Preparedness: Protect Your Business
Prepare for the unexpected. Disasters could strike at any time and in the event they do, having a plan in place for your business is just as essential as having one for your clients. As a business owner, it’s your sole responsibility to anticipate what kinds of emergencies might affect your company both internally and externally.
Develop a disaster pl...
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Senior caregivers may begin working as a companion caregiver without having previous work experience as a paid caregiver. Everyone had a first day on the job, including senior caregivers. However, it is preferred that companion caregivers have some personal experience working as a caregiver before applying for a job.
The best way to obtain experience is to begin as a volunteer. Many community programs need volunteers to assist with senior programs. Find out if your local...
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The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approves all drugs which are prescribed in the U.S.A., after evaluation of the effectiveness of the drug based on clinical trial studies. More than half of prescribed drugs originated from a natural plant or animal product and to develop new medications to treat Alzheimer's Disease, cancer and other illnesses, clinical trial studies must be conducted.
What are the benefits of participating in a drug clinical trial? You will have the benefit of a...
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Chicago Senior Caregiver Jobs
Apply for Senior Caregiver and Certified Nursing Aide Jobs
Part-time and Full-time senior caregiving jobs continue to grow as Chicago seniors choose to age-in-place and stay in their homes or move to Assisted Living communities in the Chicagoland area.
Senior Care Companies Include:
Licensed Illinois Senior Home Care Agencies
Assisted Living Communities
Nursing Homes
By applying one time on, your senior caregiver job...
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Senior caregiving requires many skills in order to deliver quality care. By understanding how to motivate a senior to cooperate to take a shower or their medications for instance, you can easily succeed. Caregivers who do not have proper training will quickly become frustrated. There are ways to interact with seniors which will result in positive responses and techniques for delivering safe care which can be learned through caregiver training programs.
A 10-hour online trainin...
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San Diego Senior Caregiver Jobs
Apply for Senior Caregiver and Certified Nursing Aide Jobs
Part-time and Full-time senior caregiving jobs continue to grow as seniors choose to age-in-place and stay in their homes or move to Assisted Living communities in the San Diego area. As San Diego offers one of the best climates in the nation, seniors from across the U.S.A. are choosing to retire in San Diego. This has lead to the need for more professional senior caregivers.
Senior Care Companies...
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A recent study by a Northwestern University medical doctor in Chicago found that some caregivers lack proper training before beginning a caregiver job. Meanwhile, many senior home care agencies and some state legislatures now require a minimum level of caregiver training before a senior caregiver can begin working. Let us know how much training you received before you began working as a senior caregiver. Continue reading
Understanding a Canada Reverse Mortgage
A Canada Reverse Mortgage is like most other mortgages with two main exceptions: one, it
is only available to seniors aged 55 years or older and two, there are no monthly repayments
required to pay back the mortgage. The most significant feature of a reverse mortgage is that
a senior may have one for 5, 10, 15 or even 25 years or more in time and never be required to
make a monthly mortgage payment. Instead the balance slowly accrues over time...
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Health Insurance Policies: Purchasing the Most Suitable Health Insurance Policy for Seniors
While your employer probably offers you health insurance when you are younger, it is important to understand health insurance options once you are older.
There are different types of health insurance policies available for seniors, in addition to Medicare, which all seniors in the U.S.A. receive. Additional supplemental health insurance policies are available to piggyback with ...
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Senior care can quickly present itself as a need for a family with an aging loved-one who may suddenly need assistance with their activities of daily living.
As the former owner of a senior home care agency, I can share many scenarios I witnessed when setting up care services for a family. Here are the common scenarios that lead to senior caregiving services starting:
Memory Loss Causes an Incident
Suffering an Injury from a Fall
Diagnosis of an Age-...
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Caregivers interviewing for a new caregiving position can prepare ahead of time for the interview questions. Recruiters like to find out what life experiences led you to become interested in working in the senior care industry. Take time to think back on why you became a caregiver and practice telling a story about a caregiving experience which will provide an interviewer to understand your compassion and desire to work in senior care. This will allow you to standout from the c...
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Decisionhealth's 14th Annual Private Duty Conference & Expo will be from November 2nd through 4th at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. The 2011 conference will feature T. Scott Gross as the keynote speaker and a new Executive Skills Building Workshop pre-conference to help private duty executives refine key business skills.
The preconference skills will include:
Identifying and attracting the most profitable clients
Creating effective marketing plans
Implementing dashboards t...
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Private Duty Insider Newsletter by DecisionHealth
Tune in to ‘car talks’ as a cost-effective way to educate private duty
What’s the most cost-effective way to communicate company changes, implement new safety programs and remind private duty home care staff of regulatory requirements?
The answer for Aspirus VNA Extended Care (AVNA EC) in North and Central Wis., was “car talks.”
In 2005, the private duty agency started recording on...
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When a senior citizen is diagnosed with any kind of serious illness, including cancer, many people are affected. Because older individuals are often dependent on others for a variety of needs, adding a terminal illness to the mix means that not only will the patient suffer but also those who offer assistance or care on a regular basis, often the adult children of these individuals or other family member.
Mesothelioma, which is more common in the elderly than in any other age group, is an especi...
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Sales Account Manager Position for in Chicago
Growing, senior healthcare start-up on the hunt for a talented Inside Sales Manager to play an instrumental role in driving customer acquisition, retention, and an internal culture built around measurement and analytics instead of gut instinct.
Our seasoned team of entrepreneurs, start-up executives, and marketing gurus are looking to add an up-and-coming sales all-star to the team that doesn't take no for an answer, will do...
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Growing, senior healthcare start-up on the hunt for a talented Inside Sales Manager to play an instrumental role in driving customer acquisition, retention, and an internal culture built around measurement and analytics instead of gut instinct.
Our seasoned team of entrepreneurs, start-up executives, and marketing gurus are looking to add an up-and-coming sales all-star to the team that doesn't take no for an answer, will do what it takes to close the sale, is a master in the art ...
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Senior home care services have become a new niche of the senior care industry in the last decade, as the nation's large Baby Boomer generation chooses to age-in-place while living longer than any previous generation.
Home Instead Senior Care, one of the very first companies to begin providing professional home care services, has reached a milestone with the announcement of their 1,000th franchise location opening this month. The 1,000thfranchise officially opened December 4...
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Caregiverlist profiled the high growth in senior home care agencies since the "Great Recession" started in the U.S.A. with a 40% growth in new senior home care companies opening since 2008. Along with the growth in senior care companies comes a need for more qualified professional senior caregivers.
The Miami Herald newspaper today profiles the need for more trained caregivers in the Miami area as the Boomer population ages. One of the challengs for the senior care industry is keepi...
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Professional senior caregivers in Illinois must comply with the Illinois Healthcare Worker Background Check Act in order to be employed by a senior home care agency, assisted living community or nursing home. This law was passed to protect both seniors and caregivers. Caregivers may apply for a senior caregiving job at a professional senior care company on Caregiverlist and these companies will conduct the necessary background checks required for employment.
As Caregiverlist advocat...
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June is National Safety Month, and the time of year when many Americans plan summer and holiday travel, as well as attend weddings, graduations, family reunions and other get-togethers. For most families, these trips and gatherings are filled with opportunities for togetherness, sharing, laughter and memories. But for those dealing with a loved one’s Alzheimer’s disease, they can also be filled with stress.
Traveling with an individual who has Alzheimer’s requires additional t...
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An Ohio man’s killing of his hospitalized wife this month has instigated further discussion concerning the legality and morality of so-called “mercy” killings. John Wise shot his wife, Barbara, in the head to end her life a few months after she had reportedly suffered from multiple aneurysms. While her condition seemed somewhat stable according to Wise’s recent reports to friends and family, her doctors remained uncertain of her future and suggested that she w...
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Traveling seniors may now call a new toll-free number to reach the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to discuss what to expect at security checkpoints based on medical conditions. The TSA announced passengers with disabilities or medical conditions may call the telephone number 72-hours in advance to learn what to expect at security checkpoints. In addition, seniors can coordinate security screening ahead of time based on specific medical needs.
Senior TSA Helpline: ...
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Certified Nursing Aides, or C.N.A.’s, perform the hands-on care for seniors in nursing homes, hospitals, assisted living communities and home care. But the term “C.N.A’. did not always exist. Genevieve Gipson, a Registered Nurse who worked in long-term care in Ohio, was one of the founders of the C.N.A. Network and the cheerleader for what became national legislation for the training and certification of nursing assistants.
“I never intended to start an organizati...
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The high cost of living in many areas combined with the number of people older adults and seniors may have dependent on them financially, retirement savings and Social Security payments are increasingly becoming insufficient to comfortably fund an individual’s senior years indefinitely. As a result, many older Americans are either delaying retirement or returning to the workforce after retirement. However, many are finding difficulty both finding and retaining jobs. ...
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Medicaid, the health insurance program for very low-income seniors with few assets (may not have more than $2,000 in assets in the state of Illinois or $3,000 in assets if a married couple). Medicaid will pay for an ongoing stay in a nursing home for a senior for as long as needed, with medical doctor approval. Because of this, Medicaid's nursing home care service has been the insurance of last resort for those who may experience very expensive senior care costs. For instance, ...
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Longtime actress and comedian Phyllis Diller passed away at the age of 95 this week. Reports stated that her health began to worsen following a recent fall in which she injured both her hip and a wrist. While it could be argued that a fall itself could be responsible for a decline in health, it is not entirely known whether falls are linked with earlier deaths because of the detrimental effect of the fall itself, or whether the fall is a sign of declining health in general which lead...
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Jobs for CNAs and Certified Caregivers are available in full-time, part-time, and live-in positions. Responsibilities of a caregiver include meal preparation, assisting with client mobility and balance, light housekeeping, transporting to appointments, bathing, monitoring medication use, and companionship. CNA responsibilities can include all of the responsibilities of a caregiver, plus additional responsibilities including monitoring a client’s medical conditions and providing...
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Jobs for CNAs and Certified Caregivers are available in full-time, part-time, and live-in positions. Responsibilities of a caregiver include meal preparation, assisting with client mobility and balance, light housekeeping, transporting to appointments, bathing, monitoring medication use, and companionship. CNA responsibilities can include all of the responsibilities of a caregiver, plus additional responsibilities including monitoring a client’s medical conditions and providing...
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Jobs for CNAs and Certified Caregivers are available in full-time, part-time, and live-in positions. Responsibilities of a caregiver include meal preparation, assisting with client mobility and balance, light housekeeping, transporting to appointments, bathing, monitoring medication use, and companionship. CNA responsibilities can include all of the responsibilities of a caregiver, plus additional responsibilities including monitoring a client’s medical conditions and providing...
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Jobs for CNAs and Certified Caregivers are available in full-time, part-time, and live-in positions. Responsibilities of a caregiver include meal preparation, assisting with client mobility and balance, light housekeeping, transporting to appointments, bathing, monitoring medication use, and companionship. CNA responsibilities can include all of the responsibilities of a caregiver, plus additional responsibilities including monitoring a client’s medical conditions and providing...
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C.N.A.'s and Caregivers for Seniors NeededApply to MULTIPLE Senior Home Care Agency and Senior Care Companies in your specified areaFill out just ONE Job ApplicationRead about Benefits, Job Skills, Training, Background Checks, and experiencestories from other Caregivers, Full-Time and Overnight Positions are currently available forself-motivated, trustworthy individuals.Professional or personal experience in providing care for Seniors pref...
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Chicago area hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living communities and senior home care agencies hire C.N.A.'s (Certified Nursing Assistants) to assist with the hands-on care for seniors. As the Illinois' Department of Health requires a minimum number of C.N.A.'s to be on staff at all times for each resident, there is an ongoing need for C.N.A.'s in order to keep up with the minimum staffing requirements.
Schools such as the Illinois School of Health Careers provide C.N.A. training. ...
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Criminal background check terminology can be daunting. Culled from a variety of sources, this Background Check Glossary of Terms is not meant to be all-encompassing. Some judicial systems may use different terminology and background check laws vary from state to state. When in doubt, please seek legal counsel.
A person who aids or contributes in the commission or concealment of a crime.
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Criminal background checks are vital for senior care employment. However, not all employers conduct the necessary background checks, or they are disingunuous about the background check conducted.
Illinois House Bill 2934 passed both Illinois Houses and was sent to Governor Pat Quinn on June 19. If passed, the law will require senior care and home care websites to explicitly state whether or not they conduct criminal background checks on prospective providers.
"My hope is that this measure...
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The healthcare reform bill, under debate in the Senate, includes a new way to pay for long-term care. The Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act would create a national long-term care insurance program. The benefit payments will be in cash, allowing seniors and the disabled to spend the benefit money on hiring a caregiving service or purchasing medical equipment, allowing them to remain in their own home.
Currently, only Medi...
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Are you a proven sales performer with an interest in growing your career? Do you enjoy keeping up with new technology? Are you able to apply your creativity to sales and marketing solutions? provides online tools for senior care companies and seniors and their families. Through offering unique and innovative online business solutions, has become a leading resource for non-traditional recruitment and lead generation in a digital world. We are...
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Caring for a senior involves many skills, including understanding age-related illnesses. Aging is a natural process and as we grow older, our cells stop regenerating and based on our lifestyle, diet and genetics, we will all experience different levels of progression of the aging process.
Managing the physical and emotional challenges of aging is important to be a high quality senior caregiver.
In addition, individuals without proper training place themselves and the senior potentially i...
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Private Duty Insider Newsletter by DecisionHealth
Key Lessons Learned from Private Duty Leaders
If you were to look at the performance results from 105 private duty executives whose agencies gross $2 million or more in annual revenue, what key characteristics would they have in common? Recent results from the 2011 Private Duty Home Care Benchmarking Study show those leaders are more efficient in a few key areas of business. The rest of this article highlights some of those areas. Read Mo...
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Creating a Company Brand to Deliver Efficient Caregiver Recruitment and Retention
As private-duty senior care agencies seek to maintain and increase clients, the ability to cost-effectively hire and retain quality caregivers dramatically impacts the bottom line. The private-duty industry has experienced an exponential growth in new senior care agencies during the last decade. This has resulted in more employers seeking to hire experienced and qualified caregivers. By crea...
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Find C.N.A. Schools Apply to Caregiver Job
As the population of the Baby Boomer generation grows, so does the need for long-term care professionals. If you’re a compassionate person who enjoys spending time with seniors, a certified nursing aide career could be right for you.
The pre-requisites for becoming a certified nursing aide are manageable. Prospective students need a high school diploma or equivalent to qualify for most programs, and are typically asked to take an assessment test...
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Nursing home violations for the state of Illinois for the 2nd quarter of 2012 have been published by the Illinois Department of Health. It is important to remember that nursing home violations are NOT included in the health inspection report star-ratings issued by Medicare.
Below is the overview of the nursing home violations for April through June, 2012, for Illinois, issued by the Illinois Department of Public Health. All violations that are reported are investigated and then the ...
Continue reading, a fast-growth digital company, is looking for a driven college graduate for an entry level sales and account management position, where you will receive outstanding training and gain experience in sales, marketing and account management with a leading innovator in the healthcare industry segment.
You will be joining an entrepreneurial team that has built multi-million dollar businesses for leading brands with a solid track record of success in growing companies...
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Memory loss often sneaks up on someone. One type of memory loss, Alzheimer's Disease, involves confusing time, person and place. This leads to many difficult moments, especially during the beginning stages of the disease. One minute someone is fine and the next minute they don't know where they are or where they are going.
The American Academy of Neurology has issued new guidelines to help seniors and their families determine when it is time to stop driving if they have b...
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The National Private Duty Association will provide a free web seminar on how to hire a quality senior home care agency to care for a family member on September 23, 2010. The term "private duty" refers to hiring a one-on-one certified nursing aide, home health aide or non-medical caregiver to assist in your own home, or while living in a nursing or assisted living community.
Senior home care agencies provide the advantages of active care management, trained caregivers and insurance p...
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Celebrating caregivers worldwide, Shire Pharmaceuticals has launched a new international awards program intended to recognize everyday people who serve as caregivers. The Shire BRAVE Awards is designed to recognize the courage and dedication of non-professional caregivers, honoring everyday heroes who provide regular, consistent care of another person.
“The BRAVE Awards honor some of the bravest people in the world -- those who give their time, support and compassion to ...
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The Alzheimer's Foundation of America is providing free memory loss screenings at locations nationwide on November 17, 2009.
Memory loss can sometimes be slowed, when diagnosed early, by the use of medications and the implementation of proper diet, exercise (including brain exercises) and a consistent daily schedule. By discovering the type of memory loss, a senior can more effectively manage the challenges.
National Memory Screening Day
Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2009
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As the Senate debates the bill to reform healthcare (H.R. 3590 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), you can track the debate and read the new amendments as they are proposed, to be informed about the facts of the bill.
Currently, only Americans who are age 65 or older are guaranteed health insurance, through Medicare, the government health insurance program for seniors.
If you are an American under age 65, your options for health insurance are:
Receive health insuran...
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For eleven years I pleaded with my elderly father to allow a caregiver to help him with my ailing mother, but after 55 years of loving each other he adamantly insisted on taking care of her himself. Every caregiver I hired to help him sighed in exasperation, "Jacqueline, I just can't work with your father–his temper is impossible to handle. I don't think he’ll accept help until he's on his knees himself." My father had always been 90% great, but boy-oh-boy that temper was a doozy. H...
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The power of visual storytelling has been adapted to caregiver training by Terra Nova films, in alliance with senior care industry professionals from the Alzheimer's Association, U.S. Administration on Aging, National Family Caregivers Association and Family Caregiver Alliance.
Caregiverlist now offers these visual training tools to assist you to improve your caregiving skills. Newsman Bill Kurtis introduces the caregiving videos, which offer tutorials on caring for seniors with mem...
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Alzheimer’s disease affects more than 35 million individuals worldwide and costs the global economy more than $600 billion. It is a health epidemic that impacts people from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. September is World Alzheimer’s Month and an opportunity to raise awareness of this devastating disease on an international level. If you know someone in need of information on Alzheimer’s, you can direct them to the following Alzheimer’s Association resources availab...
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Alzheimer's experts, led by the Alzheimer's Association, have created a set of guidelines to better diagnose the disease. The hope with the new guidelines is that doctors will be able to help people with Alzheimer’s prepare for the disease earlier and offer effective treatments.
Three workgroups spearheaded by the Alzheimer’s Association and the National Institute on Aging (NIA) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) developed the new guidelines. They expand the definition...
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Learn about Alzheimer’s disease with interactive online courses
The Alzheimer’s Association’s e-learning center offers free online courses that will help you find out more about Alzheimer’s disease. These easy-to-use, interactive learning opportunities range from the basics of Alzheimer's to the importance of early detection.
The Basics: Memory Loss, Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease If you or someone you know is affected by Alzheimer’s disease or dem...
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Caring for seniors with memory loss presents a variety of challenges. Alzheimer's disease, a progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, is one type of memory loss, named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer. The German doctor's name was given to the disease after he described the changes in the brain tissue of a woman who had died of a an unusual mental iillness in 1906. The abnormal clumps he found are called amyloid plaques and the tangled bundles of fibe...
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The development of new sensors to help us monitor our aging loved ones holds out the promise of enabling them to live safer, longer lives often in more comfortable environments, at more affordable prices. Big players like the Intel-GE joint venture, CareInnovations, and Verizon Wireless are getting into the game offering the ability to monitor our aging loved ones in both their own residences and in institutional environments. And while the technology is still relatively new in its d...
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Caregiverlist profiled the high growth in senior home care agencies since the "Great Recession" started in the U.S.A. with a 40% growth in new senior home care companies opening since 2008. Along with the growth in senior care companies comes a need for more qualified professional senior caregivers.
The Miami Herald newspaper today profiles the need for more trained caregivers in the Miami area as the Boomer population ages. One of the challengs for the senior care industry is keepi...
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Senior Caregivers, Companion Caregivers, Home Health Aides and Certified Nursing Aides
Fill out ONE Online Job Application, and we will send it to MULTIPLE Licensed, Qualified Home Care Agencies in Your
Part-Time, Full-Time and Overnight Positions are currently available for self-motivated, trustworthy individuals with either professional or personal experience in providing care for Seniors in need.
No previous Caregiving experience is require...
Continue reading, a fast-growth digital company, is looking for a driven college graduate for an entry level sales and account management position, where you will receive outstanding training and gain experience in sales, marketing and account management with a leading innovator in the healthcare industry segment.
You will be joining an entrepreneurial team that has built multi-million dollar businesses for leading brands with a solid track record of success in growing companies...
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Illinios Nursing Home Violation Report First Quarter 2013
January - March 2013
Nursing home violations are not included in the Medicare health inspection star-rating reports. Each state must investigate violations and when violations are confirmed fines are assessed.
The Illinois Department of Public Health has initiated action, as indicated, against the following facilities which have been determined to be in violation of the Nursing Home Care Act, or has recommended decertifica...
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Surf Side Beach South, Carolina Beach Condo Rental
2 Bedrooms + 2 Baths + Huge Living Room and Separate Dining Room/Kitchen + Large Deck with Ocean View and Private Pool, Covered Parking, Elevator
15-Minutes from Myrtle Beach Airport and Spirit Air Flies Direct
Just Renovated - Beachhouse Chic - Across the Street from Ocean
Entirely renovated, ocean-view condominium unit with convenient elevator to haul the luggage up and a beautiful pool (with balcony view) with enough sunlight to m...
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Senior caregiving can be demanding and after a long day's work of caregiving, it is important to "take care of the caregiver".
This recipe delivers a healthy twist on hummus.
Caregiverlist Recipe-of-the-Week: hummus and Monterey Jack Wraps
1 1/2 Cups Prepared Hummus
4 Large Flour Tortillas (at least 12-inch diameter)
1 Cup Shredded Reduced-Fat Pepper Monterey Jack Cheese
1 Cup Chopped Red Bell Pepper
1 Cup Shredded Carrots
3 Baby Cucumbers, Thinly Sliced
2 Scallions (White and Gre...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
This Father's Day weekend, prepare this Southern Chicken and Corn Chowder dish for your family. Dad will get a kick of southern flavor with th...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Take advantage of the weather warming up for summertime and get out the grill! These Grilled Tuscan Pork Chops are perfect for grilling.
Grilled Tuscan P...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Thinking of something to cook for your friends and family this Fourth of July? Try this simple pasta salad-- so flavorful!
Basil-Shrimp Pasta Salad
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
All caregivers can agree that working on your feet all day can really tire you out. Try these Buffalo Turkey Burgers with Blue Cheese Broccoli Slaw to fill you ...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Holidays and celebrations bring in family, friends and food galore! Thus, the week after Fourth of July festivities call for a time to detox the body. Try this ...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
If you haven't heard... It's avocado season! Avocados contain many nutrients for your body and healthy fats. Although avocados are high in calories (one avocado...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Underrated foods, such as yogurt, make them gems of the grocery aisles. Yogurt serves your body a multitude of health benefits. Did you know? Yogurt...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
This delicate, pancake-like food should not be intimidating. Anyone can master flipping crepes: When pale and uncooked, crepes fall apart easily. As the c...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Like all things that taste good, they don't do your body any good. Try this oil-free avocado banana bread recipe to get the best of both worlds: body conscious ...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Getting tired of the typical beefy burger? Us too. As a change of pace, try these Goat Cheese Stuffed Black Bean Burgers. Whoever you cook for will ...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Craving a Mexican-inspired dinner? Try these Taco Stuffed Zucchini Boats for a twist. Ditch those crunchy taco shells for a lighter option!
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
You can make two and give one to your client and take one home with you. Wrapped in plastic, they freeze for up to two months.
Pumpkin-Honey Beer Quick Bread
Yield: 2 loa...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Try this bakes dijon salmon recipe for a tasty and healthy dinner. Salmon pairs well with steamed brocolli or asparagus and some multigrain rice for a well roun...
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Breakfast doesn’t always need to be basic. Try this fun twist on the traditional pancake for a tasty start to the day.
Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups plus 1 tablespoon cake flour
3 tablespoons sugar
1 heaping tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups evaporated milk (more if needed)
1 lemon, zested and juiced (more juice if lemon isn't very juicy)
2 tablespoons butter, melted, plus more softened for serving
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 large egg
1 cup blueberries
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
These bunny biscuits make for a fun dish to bring to Easter brunch or just a cute addition to a regular dinner. Using store bought biscuits makes prep time short, but ...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
With spring in the air and summer on the mind, seems like the perfect time to grab a cool salad for lunch. The assembly for this Mediterranean salad is remarkably simp...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Makes 12 servings
Prep Time 20 minutes
Total Time Under 30 minutes
½ cup fat-free sour cream
1 chipotle pepper in adobo sauce
1 (20...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Spice up your typical pasta dish with zucchini, squash and some parmesan cheese instead of a fatty cream sauce. Tasty low fat dinners like this dish help caregive...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Store bought muffins sometimes seem to contain as much sugar as a dessert item. Start your morning off right with this basic banana muffin recipe, which uses appl...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Instead of plucking a jar of pre-made tomato sauce off the shelf, try this basic tomato sauce recipe. Making your own sauce means that you're in control of key&nb...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
With summer finally arriving, try this cool berry salad as an appetizer or easy lunch. The blueberries and the nuts offer a fresh summer twist and the vinaigrette...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Try this alternative to French Fries for your next barbecue. Instead of using starchy potatoes and oil, this recipe features a corn base without any oil for a healthier...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Try these simple parfaits for a healthy snack or bring a tray to your next barbecue for a cool summer treat. Low in sugar and fat, this dessert is just enough to p...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Ditch the standard ham or turkey and try this easy to assemble sandwich for a unique lunch. The pesto and avocado mingle for a delicious flavor and offer more h...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Try this simple appetizer next time you need a quick dish to bring to a barbecue. The low fat cream cheese and sour cream add flavor to the dish while keeping it heart ...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
For a throwback to younger years and campfires, try this sweet twist on a classic s'mores. S'mores make for a great dessert to quell your sweet tooth without too m...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Next time you want a quick snack, instead of reaching for a sugar packed yogurt with processed fruit, try this fresh take on fruit and yogurt. Grab some fresh stra...
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Healthy, delicious food drives the mind and body. Caregiverlist promotes nutritious and tasty meals for caregivers and seniors. Caregivers need to eat right to keep their body energized and their mind sharp to get through the day. Seniors also require wholesome food to get all the right nutrients to take care of their body.
Tired of just dumping some marina sauce on your pasta? Try this easy pasta recipe for a light summer dinner instead! Making your own sauce for the dish enables control ...
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Recruiters for senior care companies are trained to look for a consistent employment history when evaluating a caregiving job applicant. Why? Because especially in senior care, reliability is important. Having a consistent employment record means you performed well enough to not be fired and stuck with a job until you had another one and probably gave the appropriate two-week notice. You didn’t drop the ball.
As senior home care agencies, nursing homes, hospi...
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